1. Everywhere you stay will ask to hold on to your Passport for 10 minutes. This is hugely unsettling if you're not sure what's going on. Turns out there's a law that all hotels have to keep meticulous records of their foreign visitors - where you're from, how long you're in the country, where you ...
Last night, I snuck away from the guest house after sunset to take in an outdoor movie. A café at the next beach south was screening The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel on their patio. Where better to enjoy a feel-good flick set in Jaipur than when I was myself just a week removed from having seen the ...
Hey, guess what.
So, as I'm going in and out of places - hotels, restaurants, wherever - and meeting travelers from all over the world, one phrase keeps turning up, this idea of this time we're in now ending and the inevitable return to "real life." More people have said it to me than I can count, and I'm sure I've ...
Wherein the bite actually IS worse
If you're keeping track via Twitter, you saw yesterday in 140 characters at a time just what freaking out while you're traveling alone abroad looks like. Stupid, adventurous me decided to walk a different way to the beach yesterday. What's the worst that could happen? Getting bitten by a stray ...
And a dash of curiosity
I mentioned to my hosts last night that I might like to take a cooking class while I'm here. Without missing a beat, Janet offered to phone in the morning and see if I could be added to a class two fellow guests were attending that day. Which is how I found myself this morning with four fellow ...